If a registrant is unable to attend conference, they may substitute, by arrangement with the conference organizer, someone else to attend the conference, or transfer their participation to another conference organized by Meetings21(within 15 months). If the aforementioned solutions are not applicable to the registrant, the following policies of cancellation and refund apply:
* The cancellation and refund request must be made formally through email to contact@meetings21.com
* For “No-Show” without cancelation notice sent within the period specified in the policy, registration fee and accommodation are nonrefundable.
* All refunds will be processed only after the conference.
Transfer of Registration:The Organizer cannot refund or pay any compensation where could not attend the conference is prevented by reason of circumstances which amount to “personal reason”. Such as travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, financial default etc.
Terms and Conditions:At Meetings21 events, photos, videos or audio recordings may be made for the purpose of public relations or marketing. By registering, you agree that such recordings may be made, used and published by the Meetings21 or its representatives, including on the Internet, in social media or in print media.
Responsibility for submitted content:Content submitted by participants may not infringe the intellectual property of third parties unless permission has been granted by the rights holder or the use is permitted by law. Participants are legally responsible for the content they submit.
We work closely with conference organizers, speakers, and participants to ensure that each event meets the unique needs of the academic community it serves.
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